Anxiety, Stress

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I was very tense, had “nervous” stomach, had dry skin and itchy toes, often felt overwhelmed by simple tasks, could not handle stress at all, and had low muscle tone despite exercising on a regular basis.

How is it now?

After a year on a program, all my symptoms slowly went away. Now I can handle stress, my digestion is 100% normal, my skin is soft and moist, I have lots of energy and do not get physically fatigued.

I.E. - Needham, MA

What was it like before you came in to see us?

Before I came to NPH I had been sick for 6 months with respiratory problems, digestion issues, joint pain, sinus issues, high blood pressure and anxiety. I was on meds for my blood pressure and anxiety and had been through 2 rounds of antibiotics with no results except an issue with my stomach because of the antibiotics. Nothing was making me feel better.

How is it now?

Now, just one month later, I am sleeting better, have cut my blood pressure and anxiety meds in half. My sinus and respiratory issues are gone. My digestion is regulated for the first time in my life and my aches and pains are gone. NPH and Charlene have changed my life. I feel amazing and know it’s just going to continue. Thank you so much for everything!



We have experience in multiple industries and corporate functions. Examples of success stories are highlighted below: